The Guild of Drama Adjudicators is delighted to announce its recent round of bursary awards has ‘made the difference’ to nine youth theatre groups. The awards have helped them enter local festivals and in some cases go on to the second round of their festival competition. Here are the lucky recipients who each received £100.
Sedgefield Players Youth
Beath High School
Kirkintilloch Players
Tribe Theatre
InterAct Theatre
Killin Dramatic Club
Shazam Theatre Co
Sparklers Youth
Woking College
GoDA have received emails describing in detail how these grants have really helped these groups. The committee members agreed it has been such a worthwhile initiative. They have loved receiving photos of the young people making theatre and enjoying themselves and even winning prizes.
The next round of Bursaries will open in September so please keep an eye out for information as and when it is released on our website - and social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter.
Pictures from Bursary recipients - KILLIN, SEDGEFIELD, SPYS, SPARKLES, LITTLE ACTORS , BEATH SCHOOL AND TRIBE (Not necessarily in that order!)
